- Memberships are non-transferable.
- No fish to be killed or taken away.
- Permit holders must be in possession of a rod licence.
- All gates must be closed behind you.
- Guns, fires and generators are not permitted.
- All dogs must be kept on a lead under close control, or in a vehicle.
- Please keep music at a low volume.
- Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
- Rods must not be left unattended.
- No use of boats of any kind (including bait boats).
- No fly tipping and no litter to be left on site.
- Due to the size of fish, please use a 15lb minimum line weight.
- The use and dealing of drugs will not be tolerated.
- Please do not climb or pass items over the otter fence.
- Please keep toilet facilities clean and tidy.
- Members are accountable and responsible for their guests at all times when on the fishery.
Anyone infringing these rules are liable to forfeit their permit with no refund.
That the company (P Winterton Ltd) shall not be liable for any personal injury, loss or damage to the permit holder or his goods whilst upon the property of the company and entry thereto is at the sole risk of the permit holder.
Fishery management reserve the right to close the fishery or amend the rules at any time without notice or refund.
Please be aware that this site is prone to flooding so please check local weather conditions before and during your visit.